Welcome To my World

Friday, June 6, 2014

Well I've vowed to stay off of facebook for 1 year. I 'm completly convinced its an addiction and I plan on breaking alot of those this year. Sometimes in life you just have to go back within yourself. Sometimes especially on social sites like facebook you tend to lose yourself. I mean if you think about it you are sharing your moods,daily routines, tiny vents and even family drama for all the "friends" to see...But the question is are they REALLY friends? Facebook has reunitied friends, (WHICH IS WONDERFUL!..... SOMETIMES!) You would be surpised at how simply accepting a friend request can change your entire world...and when I say change...A change that is forever. In life its not as simple as rebooting..Whatever you do online, will surface in your REAL LIFE...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Don’t hate your scars, appreciate their depth.”—Daniel Chidiac

Friday, December 23, 2011

someone sent this to me.

Cold windy night. Returned from work Tired apprehensive Hungry for life. She came like morning light peaking through a window that was open just a bit After a while she closed the window And gone was the light. Morning rolled into a cold windy night.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


when she desperately clutched her dreams they would often wiggle free and swim away it wasn't until she learned to swim that it became clear ...they were trying to show her the way...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our Road

Our Road,Just beautiful this time of year!

Monday, August 8, 2011


My Baby girl Kimberly was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes June 22,2011. God took our little family waterglobe and turn it upside down! We are still here, still thriving as a family.Things are different but the one thing that never changes is how much we love each other and have each others back.

I am so blessed to have these children and wouldnt want to be in this world without them.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Spring has Sprung and its wonderful.Sunny and breezy outside.Took some photos of some blooms in our yard today.It has been a pretty good day!The last few days Kimberly and I planted some flowers in baskets.She Loves flowers :) always has!